PhD Student at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Julia Moses
Developmental Psychology PhD student in NYC interested in child social/ cognitive development & parent-child relationships.
Julia graduated from New York University with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Psychology in May 2019. After taking a class on Behavioral Neuroscience, she realized that she was very interested in learning about how brain chemistry affects behavior and vice versa. She began working at Infant Studies of Language and Neurocognitive Development (ISLAND) lab under Dr. Natalie Brito during her senior year at NYU and knew she wanted to pursue the field of neuropsychology further. After graduation, she moved on to the Holmes Lab at Yale University, a clinicial neuroscience lab, where she worked on an R01 funded project on the pyschiatric connectome of mental illness with Dr. Avram Holmes. She is in her fourth year of a developmental psychology PhD program at the CUNY Graduate Center under Dr. Jennifer Wagner studying social cognitive development in preschoolers.
Chopra, S., Dhamala, E., Lawhead, C., Ricard, J., Orchard, E., An, L., Chen, P., Wulan, N., Levi, P., Moses, J., Chen, L., Kumar, P., Rubenstein, A., Aquino, K., Fornito, A., Harpez-Rotem, I., Germine, L., Baker, J.T., Yeo, B.T., & Holmes, A. (Revise and Resubmit). Generalizable and replicable brain-based predictions of cognitive functioning across common psychiatric illness. medRxiv 22283232. [preprint]
Chopra, S., Cocuzza, C.V., Lawhead, C., Ricard, J., Labache, L., Patrick, L., Kumar, P., Rubenstein, A., Moses, J., Chen, L., Blankenbaker, C., Gillis, B., Germine, L., Harpez-Rotem, I., Yeo, B.T., Baker, J.T., & Holmes, A. (Submitted). The Transdiagnostic Connectome Project: a richly phenotyped open dataset for advancing the study of brain-behavior relationships in psychiatry. medRxiv, 2024-06. [preprint]
Moses, J. & Wagner, J.B. (in prep). Attention to Threat-Related Faces in Preschool-Aged Children and Associations with Fearful Temperament.
Lobel M.J., Moses J., Lodhi A.K., Rose, M.C., Sharifova, S., Modina, V., Shafer, V.L., & Brooks, P.J. (in prep). EEG correlates of vocabulary comprehension in adult learners and fluent speakers of Turkish.​
Che, E.S., Moses, J.R., Zapparrata N., & Brooks, P.J. Reciprocal longitudinal effects of vocabulary knowledge on emotion regulation in low-income children from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. (in Press) In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. xx-xx). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Moses, J., Kozak, K., Rogoff K., & Brito N. (2018, October). Potential Links Between Maternal Anxiety and Rate of Blinks in Three-Month- Old Infants. [Oral Presentation] Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, New York, NY.
Moses, J., Kozak, K., Rogoff K., & Brito N. (2019, March). Potential Links Between Maternal Anxiety and Rate of Blinks in Three-Month- Old Infants. [Poster Presentation] Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Lawhead, C., Ricard, J.A., Chopra, S., Chen, L., Moses, J., Blankenbaker, C., Tao, J., Fairbank-Haynes, K., Kumar, P., Rubenstein, A., Harpaz-Rotem, I., Yeo, B.T.T., Baker, J., & Holmes A.J. (2022, April). Toward an Understanding of the Function Connectomics of Affective and Psychotic Illness. [Poster Presentation] 2022 Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Lawhead, C., Ricard, J.A., Chopra, S., Chen, L., Moses, J., Blankenbaker, C., Tao, J., Fairbank-Haynes, K., Kumar, P., Rubenstein, A., Harpaz-Rotem, I., Yeo, B.T.T., Baker, J., & Holmes A.J. (2022, July). Developing an Understanding of the Functional Connectomics of Affective and Psychotic Illness. [Poster Presentation] CPC++ 2022: Computational Psychiatry Conference, New York, NY.
Ricard, J.A., Lawhead, C., Chopra, S., Gillis, B., Chen, L., Moses, J., Blankenbaker, C., Jao, T., Fairbank-Haynes, K., Kumar, P., Rubenstein., A., Harpaz-Rotem, I., Yeo., B.T.T., Baker, J.T., & Holmes A.J., (2022, September). Characterizing Functioning Connectomes Across Affective and Psychotic Illness. [Poster Presentation] Society for Research in Psychopathology, Philadelphia, PA.
Moses J., Hamdani, A.L., & Wagner, J.B., (2023, March). Exploring Associations Between Child Temperament and Social Attention in Preschool-Aged Children. [Poster Presentation] Society for Research on Child Development Biannual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Moses J., & Wagner, J.B., (2023, May). Parental Affect and Child Temperament Independently Relate to Children's Attention to Faces. [Poster Presentation] Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
Moses J. & Wagner, J.B., (2023, November). Attention to Threat-Related Faces in Relation to Fearful Temperament in Preschool-Aged Children. [Oral Presentation] Brain-E Blitz Lightning Talk Challenge, New York, NY.
Moses J., Che E.S., Zapparrata, N., Tsang, W.S., & Brooks, P.J. (2024, March). Reciprocal Longitudinal Effects of Emotion Regulation and Vocabulary Development in Early Childhood. [Oral Presentation] Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Moses J., & Wagner, J.B., (2024, March). Fearful Temperament and Attention to Threat-Relevant Faces in Preschool-Aged Children.
[Poster Presentation] Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Moses J., Che E.S., Zapparrata, N., Tsang, W.S., & Brooks, P.J. (2024, April). Modeling Longitudinal Reciprocal Effects of Emotion Regulation and Vocabulary Knowledge in Early Childhood. [Oral Presentation] Language: What is it Good For? Conference, New York, NY.
Chopra, S., Cocuzza, C.V., Lawhead, C., Ricard, J., Labache, L., Patrick, L., Kumar, P., Rubenstein, A., Moses, J., Chen, L., Blankenbaker, C., Gillis, B., Germine, L., Harpez-Rotem, I., Yeo, B.T., Baker, J.T., & Holmes, A. (2024, June) The Transdiagnostic Connectome Project: A Richly Phenotyped Open Dataset for Advancing Brain-based Models of Behavior in Psychiatry. [Poster Presentation] Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Lobel M.J., Moses J., Lodhi A.K., Rose, M.C., Sharifova, S., Modina, V., Shafer, V.L., & Brooks, P.J. (2024, October) Event-Related Potentials to Turkish Case and Number Errors in a Cross-Modal Picture-Verification Task. [Poster Presentation] Society for Neuroscience Conference, Chicago, IL.
Lobel M.J., Moses J., Lodhi A.K., Rose, M.C., Sharifova, S., Modina, V., Shafer, V.L., & Brooks, P.J. (2024, November) EEG Correlates of Vocabulary Comprehension in Adult Learners and Fluent Speakers of Turkish. [Poster Presentation] Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Che, E.S., Moses, J.R., Zapparrata N., & Brooks, P.J. (2024, November) Reciprocal Longitudinal Effects of Vocabulary Knowledge on Emotion Regulation in Low-income Children from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. [Poster Presentation] Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA.
Presenting at the Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research in Nov 2018
Poster presentation at the Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference in March 2019
Poster presentation at the Association for Psychological Science in May 2023
Presenting at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference in February 2024